Passing variegation tests
Did you know plants that produce leaves with irregular spots, colours, patches or blotches are called variegated plants? This is derived from the Latin word "variegatus" which means made of various sorts of colours. They become variegated after a genetic mutation, when the plant cannot adapt to their living conditions and so changes the colour. Another reason for this is the uneven distribution of the different pigments. The primary pigment chlorophyll, generally gives the green colour or it can be the absence of chlorophyll giving the lighter shades on the leaves. When other pigments like anthocyanin and carotenoids take over, there can be more variation in colours. This colour change can return to normal when the conditions of growth are ideal. These variegated plants are an obsession for some collectors as they are special, expensive and sought after. So I decided to test this process, to get some variegation on this pot of Haworthia Cooperi as in Photo 1, ignoring the succulent the last few autumn/winter months. I got some changes in colour on the leaves and transferred that plant into a new pot as seen in Photo 2. This variegation may have occurred due to the intensity of changes in the environment- temperature, days of direct sunlight and heavy rains.
Similar to this in our spiritual journey, we all go through different versions of testing of our faith. When we go through trials we know who we really are, the true colours can be seen coming out. There were so many times in my life that circumstances made me an emotional wreck. Getting offended really quickly, staying angry and other times sad, down and walking around carrying that dark cloud, depressed. One day could be very different from the next day. Then there were other times, the more I prayed and sought God, the worse I became. This was trying to do something about situations or struggles that I couldn't do anything about, leading to more and more frustrations. I studied the word and understood that I had to give my all, trusting God fully, and handing over the reins of my life to HIM personally to see changes in me.
We know that we are tripart beings with a Spirit, soul and body. We are made up of a Spirit which is the breath of life that God has given us. Holy Spirit as our helper, our comforter that speaks to our conscience to convict us of our sins and convince us of righteousness. A soul that consists of our mind, will and emotions and a body which is the physical part of us. There are many verses in the Bible which mentions that God tests our heart, emotions and thinking powers. Tests do not come in good times, the attitudes of our hearts comes out through our trials when we are under pressure. He will never allow us to be tested beyond our ability, and has promised to be with us always. We should learn to live by faith over our feelings and not to let our emotions control our life. As we go through tests and continue to do what is right even when we do not feel like it, that is developing the character, wisdom, spiritual maturity and being faithful to God. To understand that we are becoming a new creation, as this new plant in the pot with new colours.
Are you on a rollercoaster ride with emotions or ready to work through these tests as your testimonies and opportunities for spiritual growth?
Delete regretful thoughts
In my garden, as I was clearing and fertilising plants in preparation to the cold winter ahead, I found a pot of Zygocactus which I planted sometime last year. I forgot completely about that small leaf that I planted and never checked on its growth afterwards. I felt miserable, finding that pot behind an overgrown plant, that even had a tiny bud on that small plant. If I had taken care, that would have grown bigger, almost similar to the two full grown plant pots on my patio. I should've taken care and that could've or would've become beautiful if I did but..
Similar to this in my journey of life, I was reminded to take away some of these words of regrets like could've, should've, would've, if, but, from my everyday vocabulary. We can waste so much of time blaming others or our circumstances for everything that has or has not happened. Living a life with regrets, are when our thoughts are filled with, if this has not happened this would've been better, or if I had done that this could've been avoided. Also, I should've got that but, they took what was mine and this can go on and on. As we all know, regret is a negative, painful emotion and that is never going to make us better. Sometimes it can be more painful, when the fault is not ours, and we have to take the blame for someone else. We cannot wipe away our past, it is real, and when these thoughts of regrets creep into our memories, our emotions and into our daily conversations, we carry that dark cloud of sorrow, that self pity, wherever we go. I remember blaming God for letting some of those hurtful regrets to happen, that HE could've easily prevented. We have to purposefully change our thinking, resist the temptation of wanting to talk negative and try to maintain a positive, grateful attitude, to make use of those mistakes as stepping stones of life. Bible mentions to repent about regrets. Repenting is knowing what we are regretting about, forgiving ourselves, and giving it to God and letting HIM heal our pain completely.
Are you ready to press the delete button of regrets on purpose, to make every day, every thought, every word new, and to live one day at a time for HIS best plans?
Unbelievable, unbearable chapters of life-Why me?
Do you know the similarity between these cute emoji succulent pots and our lives? To show the world we can fake perfect, happy emoji faces but deep within, in reality, there may be an emotional wreck. Many of us can relate to this and so I wanted to share a story of a friend, with her permission. She is a living testimony for all of us to see that people experience different versions of struggles and until it is shared with us, we cannot recognise it. She has faith that God loves her, knows her hardships, and hears her prayers. She believes that His plans are always the best. She trusts God and is waiting patiently with the understanding that all things will work together for her good.
As a friend, when I look at her social media pictures and her posts, she has the most amazing, perfect life, that would make anyone jealous in every way. A wonderful career, beautiful house, a loving husband with whom she is celebrating her 15 years of marriage, many holidays with their child, parents, in laws and more. The perfect life! No one sees the hurt behind her beautiful smile because inside those four walls of her house, behind closed doors, her relationship with her husband has drifted apart. There is no explanation why they are emotionally detached. Some of the reasons she recalls are the busyness of life, running around for appointments, kid's extra curricular activities, work life imbalance, illnesses and unresolved problems of their past. He is not willing to talk, share burdens or seek help to find a solution for their separation. Blaming each other without having a proper conversation, and frustrations leading to more verbally abusive behaviour that has a real impact mentally, emotionally and physically.
When doubts filled her mind, when it was taking more time for change to happen, and when somedays were more difficult to move forward, she asked, "why me?" I did not have an answer, like many other unanswered questions in my life. I felt helpless because I could not say that it is okay, God has a plan. Can this be a plan? How could a loving God make few suffer, when everyone that we look at has a wonderful life? I could only say, "Thank you for sharing, I will pray for you." I couldn't help in any other way in her marriage but continue praying for her, knowing that God can heal their wounds and change their hearts. But when? How do you respond to a situation like this? I am sure when troubles come, we all ask the same question, why me? And I thought, why not me? Why her? Why not her? Why me? A sacrifice for God's purpose in that family? God, how do you choose? Who am I and why me?
To give up, walk away in search of a better life may be easier, but, she is thinking about the repercussions, the embarrassment and the effect of their separation on their child. Going through this process is painful, but she has made the decision to look beyond that grief, without giving up and to live with the expectation that one day, everything is going to be perfect. The decision to stay there in faith, hanging on to the thread of love that they still have within, and living in that hope that these troubles are temporary and life will be better soon. Satan always tries to destroy the foundation of love and unity in families. He knows exactly when to pull the right strings of strife, doubt, and self pity. He can also fill our minds with distractions of the world, to blame each other without taking responsibility for the situation that they have reached.The Bible mentions that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and we have to be careful not to let that division break up our family.We can waste our valuable time feeling sorry for ourselves and cry over things that we cannot change but, have the willingness to change ourselves understanding God's unconditional love. When unexpected things happen, continue trusting God and live one day at a time, embracing today with confidence.I admire her endurance and I am prayerfully waiting to witness what God has in store for her life.
Repot, Recommit to God
Did you know that succulents need to be repotted at least once in two to three years for their healthy growth? Some of the reasons to repot are when the plants have overgrown with lots of baby plants or when they are too big for the pot. Also if they are in the same pot for a long time, the soil hardens without proper drainage and that can kill these beautiful plants. The best time to do the repotting is just before their growing season, which is early spring for the summer growing and early autumn for the winter growing succulents.
In our spiritual garden of life, we all should regularly look within ourselves for the overgrown, hardened wounds of anger, pride and unforgiveness. We will always be on a rollercoaster if we live on our emotions. Our happiness, our contentment should come from within, knowing who we are, what and why we are created to be. Staying peaceful in any situation that we face is a decision made on purpose, and not allowing our lives to be controlled by anyone else or their emotions. Pride is stubborn and does not want to make peace. I have read that signs of pride includes an unwillingness to admit fault, or a reluctance to take responsibility for one's actions. Pride wants to do all the talking and none of the listening. Likewise unforgiveness has a negative impact on every part of us. Forgiving the person that has hurt us is again a decision that we have to make for ourselves, not for the person that has offended us. When it is hard to forgive, remember Gods forgiveness, his love and mercy towards us. We may not be able to forget what we have experienced, but we can quickly forgive, as God does for each one of us. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is an expression of love, and allowing God into those hurtful situations will give us true freedom. We should rebuild our lives with stronger foundation of our faith and not let our current circumstances or struggles to replace our faith. Renewing our mind everyday also makes us understand what is good, acceptable and the perfect will of God.
Are you discouraged by not keeping up with the new year resolutions already? Let us focus more on the "Re" to repent our sins, recommit to our Lord, renew our minds, refocus ourselves to replace our lost hope, restore our faith and rebuild our lives, rejoicing in Him always.
Spiritual food for growth
Succulents need nutrients to help them grow healthy and beautiful. For summer growing succulents, spring is the best time to fertilise and autumn for the winter growing plants. They require a different ratio of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) than regular houseplants and these granules or liquid fertilisers are available in all garden centres. Put the fertiliser on the soil and avoid applying directly on the stem or leaves, that can burn and kill the plant. Fertilising is important along with good soil, adequate watering and sufficient sunlight for their growth.
In our garden of life, spending time with God which is prayer, and studying His word, are the two most important nutrients for our spiritual growth. We make so many excuses about not having that time, when all of us have twenty four hours in a day, which is 1,440 minutes and that is 86,400 seconds. We do not think about the amount of time we waste on social media or even gossiping and complaining on unnecessary matters with friends. We always make that extra time to watch our favourite sport or movies but not those few minutes in a day for prayer. I know there were lots of time when life was filled with struggles and disappointments, that I did not feel like or even know what to pray. There were also times when going to God was the last thing on my mind. Later, I understood that I could pray about anything, anytime, anywhere and our Lord hears them all, and is with us all the time. It's not just reading, but studying God's word, my Bible, that made the difference of having that deeper, closer relationship with my heavenly Father. I have heard that prayer should be like our breathing, as we do not count the number of breaths that we take. We can form a habit, if we would make an effort to put prayer as our priority in our daily schedule. I like the five finger prayer adapted by Pope Francis that reminds everyone what to pray. Picture the praying hand and all the five fingers, Thumb- Pray for those closest to us. Index finger (Pointer)- Pray for teachers, preachers, people that point us in the right direction. Middle finger (Tallest)- Pray for people in authority, leaders, President, Prime Minister, decision makers. Fourth finger (weakest)- Pray for those in trouble, sick, suffering and the Little finger (smallest)- Pray for all our needs. The smallest in relation to how big our God is, His greatness.
Are you feeding on junk with many excuses, or want to include good nutrients like prayer and His word for your spiritual growth?
Death bloom, leaving a legacy!
Did you know that a "succulent death bloom" happens when some plants die after a final bloom? Some of the monocarpic succulents like Aeonium, Agave, Flapjack, and Sempervivum produce really tall flower stalk from the centre of the rosette, and after a full bloom that plant dies. These flowers attract lots of pollinators, seeds are dispersed and even leave behind many pups or tiny plants around the base to complete their lifecycle. When succulents flower, it is a sign of a healthy plant, seasonal changes, maturity and even preparations to reproduce or propagate. The word monocarpic comes from the Greek words mono meaning one and karpos which means fruit and they flower or fruit only once in their lifecycle whereas polycarpic plants bloom multiple times in their lifespan.
In my journey of life, as today being the 34 years death anniversary of my mum, I was reminded that life is very short and what legacy am I leaving behind? And on looking back, my life would have been so different or may not have survived, if I didn't experience God's love personally. It's not the earthly inheritance or the success that I am talking about, it's leaving a legacy of love, integrity, forgiveness and faithfulness. When life happens, to be there in person to make some positive impact in somebody else's life is sharing Gods love. This is also to have an attitude to help, a willing heart to listen, that extra time to share, and to be there with compassion. For many years I lived in self pity and in regrets, because of the anger and unforgiveness that I had towards God, for letting things happen. Not talking about it was my way of dealing, and avoiding the reality. Those deep rooted wounds had a negative impact on my life and in some of the choices that I made, even running away from God. HE used these difficult times to build my faith and was walking along with me through my struggles. God's timing and His ways will have lots of unanswered questions and that is faith. I am so thankful for our God who is always forgiving, that we can repent and go back to Him everyday. I have understood that nothing could fill that gap of loss, and that pain would never go away, but I am always covered in my Lord's unconditional love. It takes lots of time and effort to understand the goodness of God. Holding on to His promises by studying His word, praying about everything and living to create a Godly legacy, to love and to be responsible to the people that HE has given us. This God given lifecycle can have miraculous transformation, a complete exchange, when we surrender all to Jesus who suffered and died only for our sins. Then, HE will produce in us all the growth, blossoming and fruits that we could never have achieved by ourselves.
I am sure that we all want our lives to matter to someone, and to be remembered for the right things with the time we have on this earth. What legacy are you leaving behind in your cycle of life?
Bumpy rides of life
I was in my garden just watching an ant walking along these string of pearls trying to move towards the flowers, and falling in between the gaps, but somehow coming back up on those pearls again. Tried so many times without giving up and finally reaching the other end of the pot where most of the flowers were. I wish I had my phone with me at that time to take a video of its perseverance. It would've been so easy for a flying insect to reach the flowers rather than this crawling one.
Similar to that, our lives can be bumpy too with our challenges, weaknesses, mistakes, temptations, sickness to name a few rides. Sometimes when everything sounds or looks bad and when life happens, without any change in our same struggles or situations over the years, how we respond to it, does matter. We must always come face to face with the reality and on purpose, understand that these are temporary struggles and not to let them have a greater impact on our day to day life. Do not give up on those hard times, you will be stronger when you come out of that. We have to make the decision to make the right choices while we are hurting, when it is painful the most. Remember that hardships prepares ordinary people for extraordinary tasks. When you feel like giving up the most, is usually when your breakthrough is near. No matter what has happened or will happen there is an assurance that we will never lose our value in God's eyes. God sees our heart that has the faith in Him, and our longing to obey His will, can work wonders in spite of our troubles however big or small they are. Surrender all to Him and He will fight the battles for you. Embrace these challenges to seek Him day and night knowing that He is always there to listen to you and to guide you.
Are you holding on to God, giving Him all that you are and especially all that you are not, during those bumpy rides?
Resurrection, time to reconnect
Did you know that bulbils or plantlets are small plants that grow from the parent plant? I was surprised to see a tiny plant growing from my Gasworthia flower shoot. The Bulbils appear at the end of the stem where the cluster of flowers are formed and this is a form of propagation. The bulbils should be left to become bigger and as they get heavier, the stem bends and when they touch the soil, roots form and the new plant grows. Without the parent plant there is no nutrition and the bulbils will not survive.
In our spiritual journey, we need daily nutrition for our growth, that connection through prayer, reading and understanding God's word the Bible. We should be setting boundaries and always making the right choices according to His word. To gain more wisdom and understanding of God's unconditional love and His grace towards us for our salvation and eternal life. Salvation is the beginning of our personal relationship with Christ. The Holy Spirit comes into our lives as our helper, our encourager and gives us hope. As we celebrate resurrection Sunday it is a reminder that God loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus to this earth, to live as a human, suffer and die on the cross for our sins and resurrected on the third day and we celebrate Easter. Jesus became the bridge for us humans with God.
In my journey of life, as today is also my wedding anniversary, I was reminded about reinforcing all my relationships and everything that I have, with more love, respect, gratitude and to enjoy that companionship more without taking things for granted. When God brings two people together, the most difficult part of becoming one is a process, of uniting two souls, that has the mind, will and emotions. To acknowledge and accept mistakes, and make every effort to treat each other with honour and respect. Life may be difficult with lots of ups and downs but we become spiritually mature knowing that God is with us all the time. Give your all to Jesus, trust and lean on Him, and you will love and enjoy His best plan for your unique life in this earth. I recall these words by writer Sharon Jaynes, that God changes graves into gardens, mourning into dancing, ashes into beauty, seaways into highways, rivers into roadways, dry bones into armies, shame into glory and a cross into a crown.
Are you chasing Easter bunnies or taking this time to reflect on the death, the burial and the resurrection of Christ and reconnecting with Him?
Give Christ your mess!
While we are all busy planning and preparing for the Christmas celebrations, we can make our lives miserable because of our shopping, inviting, wrapping and posting pictures on social media to impress the world. We need to remind ourselves of the true meaning of this season - the real love of God, sending His son Jesus Christ to this earth as the greatest gift for us all. Also finding the time to reflect on our messes such as the mistakes we've made, our regrets, failures, and misunderstandings. We can get frustrated, angry, or on edge when situations take more time than we expected, or when the task feels too hard for us but seems so simple for someone else. The struggles that we prayed to be removed keep coming back in different ways, and at times it seems like the more we pray and seek God, the worse it becomes. When we have been hurt many times and do not let go of that pain, we harden and isolate ourselves with a bitter attitude, and neglect others. The bible mentions that God will never allow anymore to come upon us than we are able to bear.
Make a decision this Christmas season to give Christ your fear, anxiety, brokenness and distractions - our messes. We cannot hide them for long under the tree, the glittering decorations, or wrapped as gifts. Surrendering our messes to God takes courage and we should learn to live life deeper in God's way. We need to be willing to change, be reliable and consistent, but not wavering with the circumstances. Let Him into every area of your life and then He gives calmness instead of fear. He replaces anxiety with peace, and guilt with forgiveness. He restores our brokenness and changes our mess to miracles.
Are you holding on to your messes or are you prepared to give them to Christ this Christmas?

Blooming with gratitude!
I was out in my garden checking the beautiful succulent blooms and was reminded to be thankful that I am blessed, to see, to enjoy, all of God's creations. There is a common opinion that all succulents are hardy plants, they can easily be neglected and they thrive anywhere. Yes, some do, but most of these plants need to be in the perfect environment with adequate soil, light, water and care for their perfect growth. They bloom at the right time and even require the dead flowers to be removed to prevent pests from multiplying on them and to give more space for the new blooms.
In our spiritual journey, we need to take the time to pause everyday, to appreciate the wonderful life and the people that are around us. Taking time to smell the flowers, to listen to the birds and to acknowledge what God has done for us releases new faith, hope and joy. God's will for us is to be thankful, to stay peaceful, to walk in love, to give, to forgive and to repent our sins. The word of God mentions to learn to be led by peace, and this is often how we know, that we are in or out, of His will. Give thanks in all circumstances especially in our most difficult ones, and there will always be something good in everything if, we will search for it. Changing our focus to God and thanking Him while going through life, changes our outlook, our attitude towards the problems which then appear to be smaller. Make a habit to keep a gratitude journal and then you will understand daily blessings, His love and goodness, even more. On purpose, count your blessings big and small everyday, and this will really surprise you to know what God has done!
Are you focussed on the negatives and complaining about what you do not have, or finding something to be thankful for that can fill your heart with joy, hope and peace in the midst of difficulties?
Crested and flawed
Did you know that succulents can have a genetic defect that produces a crowded, twisted rosette or flattened stem known as crested or cristate form? All plants have meristem tissue which has undifferentiated cells that undergo cell division. Crested succulents are formed when the mutation occurs at the growth point where the meristem cells are situated. These cells are the plant version of human stem cells that develop into many different tissue types. A normal plant has a single growing point for a single rosette, but due to seasonal changes, diseases or any stress on a young plant, multiple growing points are created and hence the bunching effect with smaller, thinner leaves. As these plants are rare and unusual they are more expensive compared to normal plants, and they can also revert back to normal if left alone. The picture below shows a normal Echeveria Topsy Turvy plant and in a crested form.
In our journey of life, we look at ourselves, our present circumstances and see only our weaknesses, our flaws or our imperfections, blaming our genetics, our upbringing or any excuses that we can think of. We always want to be perfect and perform to stand out, to impress and to be accepted by others. Stop comparing your life with others and get frustrated about things that you cannot change. Do not let these flaws define you. Let your imperfections help you to grow closer to God and force you to depend on Him more. God loves us unconditionally despite our imperfections, and this is enough to wipe away all our insecurities, our defects. God knew what He was doing when He created us exactly the way He wanted us to be. In contrast to these plants, we do not need to have a defect to be highly priced, God created us in His own image and we are fearfully and wonderfully made for His purpose only, trust Him.
Are you holding on to your flaws and living in emotions, or letting go and trusting His work on your behalf for His unique plan and purpose for your life?
Declutter for growth
Did you know that the dead dry leaves around the base of the succulent is part of their natural growth process? The lower leaves are the oldest, and they dry out to give space to new leaves or even a new plant. Removing these dry leaves by pulling them out slowly, provides good air circulation allowing the soil to become dry easily, and this will also prevent pests, rot and other diseases.
In our spiritual garden of life, we can accumulate dead leaves that create an untidy mess and this can hinder or clutter our spiritual growth. The decluttering process is to step back, taking an inventory of ourselves for negative thoughts, our selfish motives, our controlling, manipulating, unforgiving, critical and judgemental attitudes. Our mind can also be cluttered with fear, anxiety, worry or shame and we need to pull them out one by one, surrendering all to God, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us inside out. Our pride can hold us back, making it an exhausting task initially to hand over the reins of our entire life to God. Start each day new, by spending quiet time with God and you will appreciate and enjoy life with more time to evaluate, prioritise and reorganise as He leads. All the unwanted clutter will be replaced by love, joy, peace and the contented spirit that God wants us to experience. While this process takes time, we can focus more on our unique purpose that God has planned with greater clarity.
Are you overwhelmed by the dried leaves of your life, or allowing God to do the deep cleaning to reveal the hidden gems within you?
Did you know that the fleshy leaves of the succulents can crack when they are overwatered or if they are outdoor in the rain without proper drainage? The stem and the leaves usually store water and they crack or break due to an excessive amount of water. You can save the plant by not watering them for few weeks, till the soil is fully dry and these cracked leaves can take a very long time to totally recover.
In our spiritual journey, our brokenness can be our shattered dreams, grief, insecurities, illness, abuse, heartbreak, depression, you name it, we all have gone through them. Sometimes it seems like a continuation from suffering to suffering, but this pain can be a promise, to have a deeper understanding and empathy for others. We are all broken in some way or the other, and God uses our brokenness to propel us to His plan and purpose. It requires us to have a humble and repentant heart and an attitude of thankfulness for everything that He has done for us. This is a reminder of the Holy communion we partake, the breaking of the bread that signifies the love of God, when Jesus was bruised, broken and gave His life for us, for our sins. His sacrifice on the cross made it possible for us to receive His salvation, mercy, grace and favour. I came across this quote from revivalist Vance Havner, " God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength and broken people to do great things." We need to give our ALL to Him, trust His perfect timing and He will heal us mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Are you letting your imperfections limit you or giving God your brokenness to be blessed to be a blessing?
String succulents-Unique
Did you know that the string family of succulents form thin string like stems that can cascade several feet? Although their care is similar to other succulents, the stems are formed as multiplying rows of leaves or vines. The leaves are unique, they resemble shapes of heart, dolphins, buttons, pearls, bananas, tear drops, fish hooks and many more.
In our spiritual garden of life, we are all created for a unique plan and purpose. We are answerable to God as he sees our heart, our intentions, and He is not bothered about the number of likes or our status on the social media platforms. Once you know who you are, and walk in your anointing, you don't have to be in the approval mode to impress others. All of us go through different versions of struggles at different times. Our happiness, our joy, our content comes from within, respond to difficulties with the right attitude. We should be able to control our emotions and not let our emotions control us. I do not know what you are going through right now, but I assure you that God loves you and is with you in your valleys and on your mountain tops. You should be willing to know Him personally and trust Him with your disappointments. Humility is the attitude of our heart and mind and everyday, God continues to shape and refine us for His unique purpose. When we look at every second given to us with gratitude, we see God, and detect His fingerprint in our darkest days.
Are you ready to step back, pause and think about your value, your purpose and be peaceful with your uniqueness, to be the best with who God created you to be?
Choked by weeds
Did you know that weeds growing with succulents can take over and destroy the entire plant? Weeds need to be removed early to ensure survival of the plant. The wild roots, interwoven with the shallow roots, absorb all the nutrients and stunt the growth of the plant.
In our spiritual garden, we can be choked by the distractions and temptations of the world we live in. If you are complaining about the busyness of life with too many work commitments, family, and social media, the choice is always yours to keep your priorities right and to set boundaries. Every time you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else. Unless we discipline our minds, our mouths, and our emotions, we cannot enjoy or appreciate the blessed life that we already have. We must learn to say NO to temptations that affect us, and stay focussed on what God wants us to have. Put God first, and as you acknowledge that God is always with you, He will show you a direct path that will lead you to peace. When weariness attacks, stir up courage, muster up the strength, and rise against it with the truth of God's word. He wants us to enjoy His will, be satisfied and at peace, as we fulfill His call on our life.
What weeds do you need to pull out that entangles you and steals your time today?
Stressed to shine
Did you know that succulents change colours when they are stressed? The pigments that are responsible for colours on plant tissue are chlorophyll for green, anthocyanin for red, pink, violet, blue and carotenoids for red, orange and yellow. Stressed succulents produce more pigments to protect themselves, when they are exposed to harsher conditions like change in water levels, sun exposure and seasonal temperature.
In our spiritual journey, we need to grow more in faith when we are stressed. Every bit of my spiritual growth, I did not get it on my good times, but only when all I had was my faith, while going through those very difficult situations. I had to make that decision to remain peaceful and press through my struggles or storms, without giving up, believing and trusting God fully. I am reminded by the three different storms that we all can face in life. God may allow us to go through a correcting storm, to get our attention, because of our stubbornness or disobedience. He may be allowing a perfecting storm, to stretch our faith to perfect us and a protecting storm to protect us from Satan's plans of destruction. Whatever it may be, real stress is what goes on inside of us, and not what happens around us. It is always in those difficult times that we grow, holding on and knowing God and His goodness more everyday.
Are you shining with more colours by His grace, when stressed?
Seasons of life, dormant for a reason
Did you know that succulents do not grow steadily throughout the year? Some of them just stop growing in summer and other varieties do the same in winter. This dormancy or interval in growth is a normal pattern and that is when they store energy to survive the temperature changes in summer or winter. The pictures shown below is the same plant Aeonium with less leaves, dormant in winter and fully grown with lush green leaves in summer.
In our spiritual journey, sitting in the waiting room of life for a breakthrough is not easy, we can be impatient, frustrated, blaming our circumstances even our God. That waiting period is the dormancy when we do not see any changes outside, but develop more patience, humility and changes happen inside out. Seasons come and go but God's word stands forever. We should understand that everyday is a gift from Him and learn to trust no matter what season we are in. We believe that God's timing is perfect, and His plan is for us to be spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally healthy and whole. Our disappointments, our regrets, our wrong choices, all the guilt and shame, Jesus took upon Himself. All our sins have been nailed on the cross and have no power over us. Resurrection has the power to transform our lives and our relationship with God. Resurrection means transformation. Jesus overcame the enemy, defeated sin, removed the power of guilt and shame and gave us abundant life. My transformation inside out is a long ongoing process still changing day by day. Changes began with my personal relationship with Jesus, renewing my mind with the truth in God's word and moving forward, led by the Holy Spirit in His plans for my life. In our dormant state, God is preparing us to handle whatever he has placed for fulfilling His promises to us.
Are you growing in your dormancy?
Food for thought
Did you know that we have to check regularly for pests like mealy bugs, aphids or caterpillars that can be camouflaged among the stem or leaves of the succulents? They can spread rapidly, infest and destroy all our plants. There are many pest control solutions available in shops but the easiest home made remedy is to spray a mixture, made up of few drops of dish washing liquid and water directly on to the plants. Keep the treated plants away from direct sunlight and the healthy unaffected ones. The picture below shows a brown worm chewing up the leaves.
In our spiritual journey, Bible mentions about the little foxes that spoils the vine and that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. We have to look out for the little foxes that creeps into our lives. Many small insignificant ungodly choices or compromises that we make adds up to major problems that destroys our lives. They steal our joy, kill our hope and destroys our faith. Our mind is a battlefield, we should stop the enemy feeding our thoughts and deceiving us with his lies. We can change our actions and behaviours only if we first change our thoughts and words. When we face challenges, do not let your thoughts stop you from moving forward. On purpose replace the negative thoughts by renewing our mind, according to God's word and His will, for our life.
Are you staying strong and holding on to your faith, or letting the enemy feed you with the thoughts of mistrust and deceiving you with his lies?